Make an orphan smile by treating them to toys or sweets.
A staggering 8 million people urgently need support in improving access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services.
With your help, we want to overhaul the facilities in one camp for displaced people in Kahda district, providing clean water, solar lighting, and handwashing points for 3,600 people.
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Il semble que vous soyez situé(e) en France. Souhaitez-vous consulter le site Internet Human Appeal de votre région ?
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أهلًا بك! نحن سعداء بزيارتك لكن يظهر لدينا أنك من المنطقة العربية ،هل تفضل أن ننقلك لموقع هيومان أبيل العربي؟ - سنسعد بكم هناك-
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