You can transform a child's life when you become a sponsor with Human Appeal. Give a child a better future. You can save a child. Sponsor an orphan for $50 per month or $600 a year.
Donate to our Orphans & Children's Fund to improve the lives of vulnerable children around the world.
Make an orphan smile by treating them to toys or sweets.
Give $1,350 and transform the life of a street child in Pakistan with food, healthcare, education, and a safe place at our Aminah drop-in center.
Transform a future. Provide a child living on the streets of Dhaka with nutritious food, vital healthcare, education and a safe space for a whole year, helping them to get off the streets, escape exploitation, and have the childhood all children deserve.
Support a teenager for $3,000 or $500 a month for 6 months and change their life and the lives of those around them by providing them with food, counselling, educational training and the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty.
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Il semble que vous soyez situé(e) en France. Souhaitez-vous consulter le site Internet Human Appeal de votre région ?
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أهلًا بك! نحن سعداء بزيارتك لكن يظهر لدينا أنك من المنطقة العربية ،هل تفضل أن ننقلك لموقع هيومان أبيل العربي؟ - سنسعد بكم هناك-
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It looks like you’re located in the United States. Would you like to visit your local Human Appeal website?