Rohingya Refugees Water Fund

Rohingya Refugees Water Fund

Rohingya Refugees Water Fund

Water, latrines, and toilets for Rohingya refugees

“The dearest of people to Allah, may He be exalted, is the one who does most benefit to people…” (Al Tabaraani)*

In Cox’s Bazar, 850,000 Rohingya refugees are still living in overcrowded and neglected camps, having fled a bloody and brutal persecution in Myanmar.

Protect vulnerable Rohingya refugees from risky conditions

This project will support Rohingya refugees in Jamtoli camp, in the world’s largest refugee settlement, as well as the vulnerable Bangladeshi host community.

Refugees in Jamtoli are still living in temporary shelters, having fled persecution in Myanmar four years ago. There aren’t enough toilets, and many latrines are overflowing with waste, turning to unhygienic mud when it rains.

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