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Improving Character and Manners: Embracing the Qualities of Prophet Muhammad (Saw)

God fused in the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ the most illustrious qualities, as evidence that he was authorized by the Divine. His character shined from every angle, and this was noticed both by those who experienced him firsthand and those who later read his biography. They all found in Muhammad ﷺ a lifestyle of extraordinary sincerity, conviction, and virtue that posed a formidable challenge to any doubter in his prophethood. As Ibn Taymīyah (d. 1328), an eminent Muslim theologian, said,

“It is known that someone who claims to be a prophet is either one of the best and noblest of the creation or the worst and most wicked of them… so how could there ever be any confusion between the best and noblest and between the worst and most wicked?… There has never been any liar who claimed prophethood except that his ignorance, dishonesty, wickedness, and devilish ways became clear to anyone who possessed the smallest degree of discernment.”

Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “I have been sent to perfect good character.” (Al Muwaṭṭa)

The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) was sent to us by Allah as a mercy. He is the embodiment of the perfect human being. There are so many things we can learn from him. His whole life serves as a guide for us.


The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was renowned for his unwavering honesty, earning him the title Al Amin, The Trustworthy, among his people even before prophethood. They entrusted him with their wealth and possessions due to his impeccable character and integrity.

Even after receiving revelation and facing persecution in Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) remained true to his principles of honesty and integrity. Despite the hardships he endured, he ensured the return of all entrusted wealth to its rightful owners, demonstrating his steadfast commitment to fulfilling his responsibilities and upholding the trust placed in him. This was narrated in the following hadith by Aisha (RA):

“He ﷺ instructed ‘Alī (RA) to stay behind in Mecca, to return all the property the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had held in trust for people. There was nobody in Mecca (even his enemies) who had valuables that he feared for except that he kept them with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, due to the honesty and trustworthiness that was known [to all] about him. ‘Alī (RA) stayed back for three days and three nights to deliver everything entrusted by the people to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and then caught up with him ﷺ after completing that task.”

This exemplary conduct highlights the importance of honesty and integrity in Islam, as exemplified by the noble character of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). His actions serve as a timeless reminder of the profound significance of trustworthiness and integrity in all aspects of life, guiding believers to emulate his noble example in their interactions with others. Allah further emphasizes the importance of speaking the truth -

“‘This is the Day when the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness.’ For them are gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever, Allah being pleased with them, and they with Him. That is the great attainment,” (Al-Ma’idah: 119).

Allah recognizes the difficulty of being truthful but assures believers in the Quran that their efforts are not in vain. They will be rewarded with Paradise for their commitment to honesty. This promise serves as a powerful encouragement for Muslims to uphold truthfulness in all aspects of their lives, despite the challenges they may face.

Simple Lifestyle

The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) lived a simple lifestyle. If he wanted to, he could have lived lavishly and worn the best clothes. But instead, he chose to live a humble life. He did not want anything to get in the way of his dedication to spreading the message. It was narrated by Umar ibn al-Khattāb (ra):

“That he once entered the room of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ to find him lying down and noticed that the coarseness of the straw mat under him had left marks on his side. Upon noticing that, and the meager rations of barley and leaves, and the leather bag hanging in the corner, his eyes welled with tears. The Prophet ﷺ said, “What makes you weep, O son of al-Khaṭṭāb?” He said, “O Prophet of Allah, how can I not cry after seeing how the mat has left these marks on your side, and how little you have in your food cupboard? Caesar and Chosroes live surrounded by fruits and springs of water, while you are the Messenger of God and His chosen one, and yet this is your condition.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “O son of al-Khaṭṭāb, does it not please you that these [luxuries] are for us in the Hereafter and for them in this world?” I said, “Of course.” (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim)

How many of us prioritize obtaining the best of everything in this worldly life? Yet, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) lived humbly, and content with simplicity despite having devoted followers who would readily provide for him. He never sought extravagance, knowing that his true reward and a more abundant life awaited him in the Hereafter.

It's easy to become engulfed by the allure of this transient world, but we must remember that it's merely a resting stop on our journey. Our eternal abode lies in Jannah (Paradise), where the true riches and rewards await those who lead righteous lives.

The Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) example serves as a profound reminder to prioritize the pursuit of the Hereafter over the fleeting pleasures of this world. His contentment with modesty and his unwavering focus on the eternal promise of Paradise inspire us to remain steadfast in our faith and strive for spiritual richness beyond worldly desires. Shaytaan will try to lure us away from our main purpose but by following the life of the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) we are reminded that this will all come to an end.

May Allah allow us to excel in beautiful manners and character, may our character be a shining light for those who experience our presence, and may it be a means for us to grow our light and raise our ranks in this life and the hereafter Ameen.

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