Join Our Biggest Winter Effort: $100 for Triple Impact!

Winter is now taking its annual toll on human lives and putting even more misery on the people of Gaza and a population still reeling from the disastrous floods in Pakistan. Every year Winter kills so we have put together a specific life saving Winter Barakah Kit for just $100. That's less than the price of a coffee every day in a month. Your single act of kindness will bring hope and comfort in three different ways:

Gaza Hot Meals

Hot meals in Gaza, providing rice and meat,

Winter Emergency Kit

A winter kit in Pakistan, helping a family affected by the floods to stay warm by providing two heavy quilts, two wool jumpers, four pairs of wool socks, and four wool hats,

Gaza Emergency Fund

And a contribution to our Gaza Emergency Fund, which provides food, shelter, medical aid, hygiene kits, and clean water in Gaza.

Join Our Biggest Winter Effort: $100 for Triple Impact!

With one donation you can deliver three acts of mercy and touch countless lives. A gift with three times the power to help those struggling to survive this Winter. Please act now to bring warmth, food and shelter to people who might not live to see the Spring. This is a unique opportunity to energise the spirit of the Ummah.

Donate now and join our biggest Winter emergency relief effort ever. Together let us answer their prayers and reward their faith, one mercy at a time and strengthen the Ummah. Let us bring hope where there is no one.

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