Thank You for Helping us Reach Thousands this Eid ul Adha

The Importance of Giving Qurbani

The Prophet (PBUH) highlighted the importance of giving Qurbani meat when he said:

“For every hair of the Qurbani you receive a reward from Allah (SWT).” [Tirmidhi]

Distributing Qurbani meat is a key seasonal programme for Human Appeal, a time to remember those most vulnerable at one of the most blessed times of the year. Across the world, this year your Qurbani sacrifices fed 254,960 in 12 countries.

Here is a snapshot of some of the many communities you reached with your generosity…

Within conflict zones and war-affected communities, you have brought comfort

In Syria, there are 13.1 million in need of humanitarian aid due to displacement. Thanks to your donations, Human Appeal were able to distribute Qurbani meat to 9,450 people in Idlib, this Eid ul Adha. That's 4,536 children whose faces you brought smiles to.

Since last August, more than 671,500 Rohingya refugees have fled to Bangladesh, escaping the violence and brutality in Myanmar. This Eid ul Adha, your Qurbani provided nutritious meals to 13,629 of these desperate people in need.

Beset by violence, social disruption and economic hardship, around 800,000 still require some form of food assistance in Iraq every month. Alhamdulillah, this year your Qurbani fed 4,191 people across Iraq, making their Eid happy and hunger-free.

In poverty-stricken areas, you have ignited hope

Conflict, drought, floods, disease outbreaks and rising commodity prices have turned families’ lives in East Africa upside down. The combination of disasters has forced millions of people to flee their homes across Kenya, Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia, and more than 15 million children in East Africa go to bed hungry every night. Alhamdulillah, your Qurbani helped over 124,240 individuals in crisis across the Somalia, Kenya and Sudan regions.

With a population of over 194.9 million, 60% of Pakistani people are food insecure, with 15% of children under five suffering from acute malnutrition. This year your Qurbani provided protein-packed meals for 19,175 people and their families.

This Eid ul Adha, your Qurbani donations fed 4,752 people in Lebanon, including 3,567 children and 50,000 people from India received fresh Qurbani meat over the days of Eid. This included 15,070 children who might not have had access to meat for the rest of the year.

In countries facing natural disasters, you’ve made a difference

Relentless conflict and under-development is destroying lives in Yemen. 22.2 million people need urgent help. Over 17.8 million people are food insecure and 2.2 million children are malnourished. The situation is fast becoming one of the biggest food security crises in the world, with 8.4 million people on the brink of starvation. This year, your Qurbani helped feed 5,621 people living in poverty in the Sana’a region. You helped make their Eid a special, happier time.

Thank you for your generous support and sacrifices. You have helped to provide nutritious meals to 254,960 people in desperate need during the blessed days of Eid ul Adha. That’s over a quarter of a million people! Alhamdullilah.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “One is not a believer who fills his stomach while his neighbour goes hungry.” (Bukhari)

Together we can continue to save and improve lives by implementing food solutions in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities, but we need your support to help even more people in need.

By donating to our food security projects, you will be supporting Human Appeal in our work in tackling hunger around the world.

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