Stock donations

Stock donations

How it works

When you donate stock directly to Human Appeal USA, you pay no capital gains tax, so more of your donation goes directly to supporting our lifesaving projects. You’ll also get a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock at the time of transfer. Quite simply, donating stocks is a more efficient way to give.

Are you ready to donate stock, change lives and reap the rewards?

How to donate stock

1) Inform out brokerage team of your intended donation by calling Rochelle on 800-728-8762, Ext: 1103

2) Authorize your current broker to transfer the stock and provide them with the following information:

a- Name of the stock to be donated:

b- Number of shares to be donated:

c- Non-Profit’s account name: Human Appeal

d- Human Appeal’s Non-Profit’s brokerage account number: PLR007201

e- Human Appeal’s Non-Profit’s tax ID number: 87-2410117

f- Pershing DTC number: 0443

g- Saturna Brokerage Contact: Rochelle Wolber

h- Saturna Brokerage phone number: 800-728-8762

Please note, the stock being donated should have been held by the donor for more than one year and have a gain in value to receive benefit from stock transfer to non-profit organizations.

